Friday, December 18, 2020

Nine year transformation of Bloom Street in Detroit


  1. Detroit is the only city that is getting greener in satellite photos. A few oddballs are actually hunting in the city for small stuff. People say it's coming back. It ain't coming back, it's going back. Back in time. I used to have a t-shirt: Michigan. Except for Detroit, it's a pretty good state.

  2. There are so many uninhabited suburbs in the Detroit area that the city is talking about moving out the few remaining people and demolishing the houses and letting the areas go back to nature.

  3. The population has shrunk so much and the remaining inmates are spread out. The city wants to relocate them to six or seven clusters to make services more efficient. People actually do want to purchase land, but the city often doesn't know who owns it. Some people just quit paying their taxes and utilities. The city forcloses and the original owners by back their own property for pennies on the dollar and wipe out the outstanding debt. I often thought Detroit needed something like Katrina to wash the whole city into the river, start over.

  4. East St. Louis is another example. The family house was burned in the 60's and Lincoln Av. is now dirt!
