Just A Car Guy
Cool things with wheels since 2006
Sunday, February 09, 2025
In the new Jurassic Park movie, the main characters travel to the island where the dino were recreated... and find a jeep that will run? On exactly what battery and gas? The movie takes place 30 years after the events in the 1st movie
Looks like it's going to be a great movie, ScarJo is just a terrific action actress, damn, I wish Renner was in it as her partner in the mission!
Saturday, February 08, 2025
Charlton Heston on a Vespa and Stephen Boyd on a bicycle, in the chariot race from Ben Hur. Photo by Pierluigi Praturlon, Rome, 1958
The engine and clutch of a surplus P-51with a Packard-built Merlin, had been manufactured under license in the U.S.A. in 1944, yet Rolls still stood behind them with an unlimited warranty in 1963
the Citroen halftrack display at Retromobile shining a spotlight on Adolphe Kégresse, who invented the halftrack
Follow up to the news from 3 days ago... when Ford cancelled their contract with Cooper transportation, NOW GM is cancelling their contract too! What the hell is going on that made both of these mega corporations kick that company onto the unemployment line?
https://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2025/02/imagine-hearing-sound-of-brakes-slammed.html for the Ford / Cooper transport news
Late Friday, GM released a statement that said the relationship had deteriorated to the point that no cars were being loaded and that the auto carrier was taking other steps.
“We can confirm that Jack Cooper Transport management has informed us of their plans to unilaterally stop services to GM, effective immediately,” a statement provided to FreightWaves by GM said. “In light of this material breach of their agreement and the ongoing and timely needs of GM’s business, we have no choice but to implement contingency plans with other providers. We do not anticipate any further disruptions to the delivery of our vehicles.”But a statement from Jack Cooper laid the blame at the feet of GM.
On Friday, “General Motors informed Jack Cooper that it would pull all business with Jack Cooper, rejecting all proposals that were then on the table to continue working together,” the statement read.
But to emphasize that the relationship is not permanently ended, the statement also said the auto hauler “remains ready, willing and able to negotiate with General Motors regarding a continued business relationship.”
This 1978 Ford Granada is up for auction at Bring a Trailer with just 47 miles on the clock, an an eight-track player, and an 88 hp 4.1L inline-six, currently bid to 10k. Why? Who wants to drive it? Smog it? Who thinks there will be a return on investment?
The original owner purchased it new in Sandusky, Ohio, and proceeded to stash it away in storage, where it remained all this time – at least, until the seller acquired it last year.
Friday, February 07, 2025
Dodge CEO Matt McAlear says the nostalgic Hornet GLH Concept from two-and-a-half years ago will soon become a reality
the Long Island Motor Parkway (also known as the Vanderbilt Parkway). 1908
scoria bricks, a material they made roads with, in York England, that I've never heard of until now! They weren't a success because they were found to wear unevenly and become slippery in wet conditions
In the mid-19th century, Teesside ironmasters faced the challenge of disposing of molten slag waste from blast furnaces, and used an ingenious method invented by Joseph Woodward in 1869 to transform this waste into durable, silvery-blue bricks.
At first, it was tipped onto the boggy marshlands around Middlesbrough to raise them up. When these were filled, the ironmasters then ended up paying the Tees Conservancy Commissioners 4d a ton in old money to take the slag away. The Conservancy Commission used it to good purpose, with over 20 miles of riverside walls and the North and South Gares built up on slag, a base still there to this very day.
But not only was this product a waste – it was a waste of money as well . The ironmasters did not want to pay to have their rubbish removed. They wanted to profit from it, to really show that where’s muck, there’s money.
Thursday, February 06, 2025
I'll be damned, I outlasted the Old Motor.com!
I'm not surprised. The original (oldest posts) direction was showing vehicles that a car restorer, David Greenlees, was working on. But he obviously was not someone that had the time to actually work on a daily or weekly website, and quickly opened it to anyone that wanted to submit photos or articles to, and it soon was nothing from David, just freelancers that needed the site for high traffic.
For the most recent pages, there was no original content of any kind, just the " Four Fun Kodachrome Car Image Series" that had been posted 500 times. Yeah, that's slightly interesting but won't keep any audience returning to see what the lastest 4 Kodachromes were, and that is all he posted for the last 2 years (2022 - 2024) and they were simply lifted from https://www.facebook.com/AmericarTheBeautiful
Carcross Desert, (just sand dunes) is about one square mile, and is the closest thing Canada has to a desert
Fed Ex, UPS and large commercial airlines ship horses and other animals as cargo, but the Tex Sutton company and the Kalitta Charters Co use a dedicated aircraft to do so.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
I spotted another one of those interesting plates, the ones chosen in hopes that they will result in fewer tickets, by being easy to confuse by having a lot of similar looking letters or numbers
Here's two others I came across in the last couple of years that seem to be made in order to get the cops to make a mistake in the paperwork, so the car owner can get the ticket thrown out in a technicality
imagine hearing the sound of brakes slammed on tires that locked up and squeal to a stop, like tv shows or Hollywood movies. Why? That's what I imagine happened when Ford cancelled a contract they'd had with a vehicle transport company for the last 40 years, and 2000 employees of that company are likely to get laid off. From Teamsters Union jobs.
“We expect Ford to address this matter with the seriousness it warrants and provide a detailed explanation for its actions, not only to the affected workers but also to their families and communities who are now burdened with uncertainty and hardship,” the letter reads.
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Do you remember the 61 Econoline in season 4 of Friends? Monica and Phebe buy a van with a mural painted on the side, of a woman riding a dragon
Phoebe has a copy of Hemmings Motor News when she leaves Monica's apartment to meet with the guy about converting the van. Pretty good attention to detail, considering the typical fan of the show probably wouldn't recognize it.