Wednesday, August 21, 2019

I still find it hard to believe that anyone driving one of these delivery trucks isn't able to judge which parking lots they can pull into without getting stuck because they forgot the tailgate lift

So far, this makes 2 this year within 2 miles that I've seen get stuck this way.  What I haven't seen is a fast, smart way to get these unstuck.

I bet a pair of small wheels to swap with the front ones would get them back on their way within an hour. Sure it's mean swapping tires twice, big ones off, small ones on, drive a short distance back and out of the problem, then small ones off and big ones on.


  1. Or air down the front tires then reinflate them.

  2. Lower the tailgate, powered, place blocks under the tyres...

    1. can't lift the truck with those hydraulics... it weighs too much. Those are only good for about 4 thousand pounds, and an empty truck is around 8, if it's got stuff in the back, which it must or it wouldn't be out making deliveries, it can be as more like 20 thousand pounds, partly loaded, or as much as 50 thousand pounds
