Thursday, June 03, 2021

United has ordered 15 supersonic airliners, the first since the Concorde shut down business, to cut travel time in half while flying at mach 1.5

The only issue is, there are none in production, and only a prototype is currently built. 

The company making the airliners, Boom Supersonic, has named the first commercial supersonic jet, the Overture, which not been built or certified yet. 

It is targeting the start of passenger service in 2029 with a plane that could fly at Mach 1.7 and cut some flight times in half. That means a flight from New York to London that typically lasts seven hours would only take 3½ hours.


  1. 'Boom Supersonic', best name so far for any company building SSTs.

  2. "Boom" seems to be an unfortunate name choice for an airplane manufacturer! Generally. it is not a good thing when machines (especially flying ones!) go "Boom"!

    1. I suspect it's actually referring to the historic sonic boom that proved Americans broke the speed of sound with an aircraft and set the standard for pioneering aircraft for the 2nd of 4 times.
      I think it's clever
