Wednesday, October 28, 2020

It's the time of year when cold stray cats climb into cars and trucks to get warm... so bang on your car in the morning before starting it, and prevent a cat from getting hurt please. Thank you.


I have got to remember to do this too... I have seen a stray lately. 

I wonder, do rabbits act like cars and climb all over and inside vehicles? If not, why not?

This has been another PSA, Public Service Announcement from your friendly neighborhood car guy

and Nissan

Back in 2016, Nissan launched a campaign in Japan to save cats. “Knock knock cats” was created to remind drivers to knock on the hood of their vehicle before starting the engine. While this is an older story, it’s just as important today, especially in the winter months.

There are an estimated 60,000 stray cats in Tokyo alone. Sleeping under the hood of the car and on top of the tires is common when the weather is cold and wet.


  1. I'm glad you are looking out for the kitties....My B.K.(barn kat) sleeps under the open hood of my Silverado and other rides in my shop..I've put rugs to make it more comfortable for my best roomie..He keeps all rodents on the expired list..Cute chippers etc, they can do $5,000 of damage with new vehicles..And total old rides.....

  2. I once killed a cat starting the car. Think it was in the fan.
