Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Hundreds of tires have been illegally dumped along a coastal preserve, south of Melbourne Australia, near another illegal dumping area, the Alcoa factory that went out of business.


local govt claims to be unable to prevent, or clean up, the illegally dumped tires. 



  1. It would be very very easy to stop the dumping.
    Offer $5 or $10 per tire to bring it to a collection facility.

    the collection facilitys and landfills in my state CHARGE $7-$10 per tire to drop them off. so people just dump them.

    my state spends millions every year collecting and picking up illegally dumped tires, they could just take the same money and offer
    it as payment for dropping them off, and everyone who needed some extra money would be collecting them in the woods and bringing them to the collection facility.

    1. you are exactly spot on! And it would be so much cheaper than the govt cleaning up the dumped tires, and pollution remediation of the dump sites.
      $5 per tire would make it worth people's time and effort to collect tires.... we all know that there are tires laying around, that won't ever biodegrade in the next couple centuries.
      Think how fast people would use it as a side hustle, instead of driving uber, working over time, flipping junk on Ebay, etc. And I think even homeless would get into it in the cities. Instead of rooting through dumpsters for cans and bottles.
