Tuesday, November 02, 2021

the Tesla "Loop" at the Las Vegas Convention Center is really cool.

 here is just the North-most Tesla station where they come up from 40 or 50 feet, next to the "West Hall"

Where down below, these electric cars aren't causing any air pollution, so, the air is just as clean in the area where you (in one station) get in and out of the cars (the other two stations are all like the top photo, all above ground where you get in and out) 

so in the center, you use the escalator to get from the parking lot in front of the Center Hall (Door C102, sorta) to this area down a level below ground, and just walk over to the cars, and get in when one empties out, and off you go, and a minute or two later, you are at the other stations. 

here are the teslas coming out of the tunnel, and the escalator

here's the map of  the tunnels

so once you get in the car, they move on, down into the tunnels

and that is what it's like! 

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