Sunday, May 19, 2024

I just did a job application with a nimrod who 1) wasn't honest about the part time ONLY job 2) won't pay attention to constructive criticism 3) is using Office Depot amateur hour job application form with one glaring error. See if you can spot it. I did, I am also proofreader.

So, on top of those issues, this guy is not even running a business with an office, it's out of his garage type thing, (which is respectable if you're doing it right) and get this, this slays me....

He asked me to meet him at a Rubios outside dining area. He didn't have the respect or courtesy to even make a purchase, just used their table, chairs, and patio for his job interviews. 

I had got there about 15 minutes early, as usual, and bought a medium drink. (my bad, there are no "small medium large" anymore, it's "regular" diet coke.)

Now, in a way that's clever money savings, but, still... no class. Like the Cosby kids used to say. Plus, while arranging a meeting at a restaurant, did not offer to buy lunch. Seriously? Wtf are you meeting at a restaurant for? To use their patio furniture? Meet in a Home Depot, you uncouth yabbo. Park in someone else's driveway much? 

I ask any of you... or all of you, what's that say about the business he's running? To me, unprofessional, half ass, incompetent. 

Did you spot the spelling error in that form? certiÿcations There were other errors, grammatical ones "Motivated Military Movers or I may terminate my employment at any time with or without cause. I agree to provide a two week notices if I choose to resign from the company."

See the contradiction, and the grammar error in that one? Serious amateur hour bullshit going on. 

This was the 3rd interview in 3 days. Seriously, every one of them were by amateurs. How the hell am I better qualified to do hiring interviews than these company people? 


  1. You're older. That's the short answer. PS, what is a yabbo?

    1. A yabbo is a contemptible person, crude idiot, someone that parks in another persons driveway, or across it. No respect or even comprehension of basic right and wrong, moron. Ignoramous.

    2. Sounds like a justifiable target to me. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. Just giving you a opinion for a friend!

    3. Lol, thanks!

  2. Wishing you continued fortitude as we face the assholes of the world. Wising for you a great job!
