Sunday, May 19, 2024

In a grassroots effort, Airmen around the world are coming together to remember Senior Airman Roger Fortson, 23, who was murdered by a sheriff’s deputy in Florida on May 3.

a deputy shot Fortson six times after the Airman opened his apartment door while holding his legally-owned handgun at his side, pointing downwards.

He was not a suspect, he was not involved in any crime, he was black. He was not even at the address the cop was supposed to go to. 

Footage from the deputy’s body camera shows him at first knocking on the door and identifying himself while standing to the side. He then knocked again, and when Fortson opened the door, the deputy told Fortson to step back before shooting him six times.

Because that's what cops do. Then they claim they "feared for their life" because this, is the excuse that they've been told gets them off the hook for murder. 

I wanna know, if they actually fear for their life, why are they going out on calls alone? Why aren't they trained how to avoid putting their lives on the line, instead of facing the truth, that they volunteered to do a job knowing they will likely be in danger, BUT NOT FROM ANYONE WHO SIMPLY IS BLACK

Here's a question. IF cops are so freaked out about dying, because in this case a guy has a gun NOT pointed up, do the cops get freaked out when they see other cops having guns? Are they a bunch of nervous tip toe dancing pansies when standing in formation with other cops? Does a donut shop give them nightmares of seeing cops with guns eating the donuts they want? 

Only AFTER the cop killed Fortson, did he yell "Drop the gun"

Senior Airman Fortson was a combat veteran. He answered the nation's call to take the fight to our enemies over the skies of Iraq, Syria. He took part in Special Operations missions, taking care of U.S. national security impact, and for the efforts he was awarded the Air Medal 


  1. Sounds to me that those cops entering his apartment were under trained for what they were doing. Way to many rounds fired for a non threatening man. I have known a lot of Texas cops that were on tactical entry teams long before the SWAT concept was in play and they all made it to retirement. One retired after 20 years years as a Fugitive Officer that went to serve warrants for really bad guys in the middle of the night and never had to shoot one of them. After he retired he moved to a small town in a neighboring county and joined the Sheriff's Department doing the same thing till he retired a second time. Just different mentality I would think and not good! I doubt there will be any justice for that young man and that is sad.

    1. I believe there was just the one cop. Just there to look for a couple loudly arguing. So he went and knocked on a door where there was one guy on a phone. No arguing, no couple.
      He failed step one, location, he failed step 2, access the situation, he failed to step 3 de-escalate, 4 apprehend. Nope, this racist typical overly armed, under educated, inexperienced, no following police procedure but run of the mill kill kill kill meathead just followed the day to day police 101 directive to kill black men and rely on the police union to protect them from prison.
      Remember, George Floyd's murderer did not get arrested until after the world saw, and was outraged. No one in his chain of command was upset, not even troubled. He had 3 or 4 other cops keeping the crowd distant for over 9 minutes while the cop murdered George Floyd. That's what cops do. It's murder, it's not legal, not policy, not procedure, and not authorized by the rule of law nor the Use of Deadly Force code of the USA

  2. You are correct on the lone cop doing the shooting. I would think he was not really trained for any kind of situation like that and panicked. When Teas passed it's concealed carry law I started reading the writings and of one of the leading cops that taught self defence to both cops and private citizens. He has testified in hundreds of cases on behalf of both cops and civilians charged in deadly shootings and is considered the best in the business. Anyone that carries a handgun would be doing themselves a favor to read his book" In The Gravest Extreme: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection ISBN 978-0-936279-00-8". You can catch him here: " Massad Ayoob Group" I have been carrying one daily for over 45 years and have had to change peoples minds on their intentions 6 or 7 times. I personally believe there needs to be legalized concealed carry in all 50 states either bi national law or or ALL 50 states individually. It is pretty obvious how much police protection the citizens get when their states and cities defund police departments and are not allowed to enforce the laws that exist. I am always reminded of the LA Riots that resulted in looting and setting fires everywhere except the Koreans business section. Probably something to do with the roof top AR-15s in the legal civilians protecting their own property. Well imagine that!
