Thursday, March 25, 2021

no elbow pads, knee pads, gloves.. this is going to be a painful learning experience at this speed

looks like he went superman pose flying at the end of this clip... without the ability to remain flying and avoid the crash. 

I guess that's a ramp that some thought went into building, just not enough.


  1. And kids wonder why they should study physics!

    1. I studied a bunch of physics, in high school and in the Navy, and it was never useful unless you wanted to know how far some useless arrow was going to fly before hitting the earth. Nothing practical, like, kid weighs X, moving at Y velocity, force vector direction at a plank of wood that can withstand Z amount of force, ... at angle A, so, what number of identical planks must be used, or what angle can this single plank be adjusted to, so the ramp doesn't break up.
      Secondly, does the suspension in the bikes front forks cause the destruction of the ramp as the socks compress and hit hard stop.

      So, unless a LOT MORE practical physics are taught, you're wasting kids time studying any physics at all. Give them a guitar, teach them to play it, they'll be more likely to never get on the bike, and instead, get a life where they have sex more, and make more money


  2. Do you have to be a kid to join?
    I don't like bikes either....

  3. Looks like the start of a classic "Flying W!"

  4. Or a nominee for a Darwin Award.
