Thursday, August 20, 2020

so things are not going well with the blog software that Google uses to host blogs, and us bloggers use to add content (Dino found the problem, thanks!)

around midnight I wasn't able to upload any photos. Not even the banner. was the info, Dino sent me this link - seems Google might be doing the same business as Briggs and Stratton, hoping the business takes care of itself while it proves to investors that they will get bigger profits continuously

and yesterday, I couldn't get the usual edit function to work, to get into old posts and add photos.

So, I want you all to know that if things look like I quit, well, nope, I wouldn't do that to you without letting you know first.

Hell, I'd make a cool going out of business post!

Anyway, there is no way to let you all know AFTER blog software breaks down. You'd come to this link/URL and find that it looks like I quit or something.

So, IF the blog software goes bad, I will switch to Facebook.

Ok? But if I have a heart attack or die in a car crash - well, it has been a pleasure.

Hey, shit happens. You know? And though I asked a couple times over the years (usually when some other blog quits) no one has wanted to take over and keep it going.

Oh, and it causes spelling and grammar mistakes too, ask anyone.

Update, Gunner points out that he won't be able to keep reading along if I switch to Facebook.

I hadn't even thought about that... some people can't, or won't, use Facebook. I can understand that... a lot of people are never going to use Facebook.

Well, he suggests he will read along on ANY other site... just not facebook. But, isn't that just indicating that someone out there is possibly going to not be able to read along at other sites? For all I know, no one in China is allowed to look at blogs, tumblrs, etc.  I can't even begin to guess how, or why, people are unable to follow a move to another site, like they might object to Facebook.

Anyway, I just checked and is still up for sale, for 2100, and I can't afford that. Hell, I've never been able to, and I'm unemployed right now because my job, and dozens of others at the car dealership I worked at, was cancelled due to the customer base falling off because the virus caused California's governor to order us to stay home and isolate. That meant customers, and without sales and profits to keep the dealership going at regular staffing numbers, a lot of employees were laid off, about 20 salesmen, about a dozen service department, a couple from the parts department, and the quick oil change and tire change guys. That was 5 months ago, and there is no indication that any increase in sales has happened yet. So, it looks like my job will never come back with that company. I'm applying for other jobs. No choice.

Anyway, I don't see that I have a lot of flexibility, if blogger falls apart, or fails to work, or goes away if Google changes it's priorities, as Microsoft just decided that they are no longer going to support Internet Explorer (!) it's just a matter of time until things evolve, possibly.

After all the only guarantee is that things will only get worse. Nothing gets better.

That reminds me, a couple weeks ago the blog had that weird day where only the most recent post showed up on the front page. I kept adding more posts, and it filled in, but that was odd


  1. Any platform but Facebook!!! I would never go there and miss all your wonderful content!! Keep on trucking Please.

    1. Sorry, it's not something I have much flexibility with. I have a Facebook page, and it doesn't cost me money, and a dot com will. Last time I looked the person or business who owns wanted a couple thousand dollars for that URL domain. I don't now, nor have I ever, had that amount of money to spend for the website. Blogger is only 20 dollars a year, so, I've been ok with this. But the snags and failures this week are indicating that there are problems that are popping up.
      I'm just letting everyone know, hey, if Blogger fails, and I can't upload, I'll switch to the facebook page I already have control and familiarity with.
      Unless you or someone else wants to pay for the dot com and then hand the reins over to me to add my content there.

      Or of someone wants to hire me, I'll go earn a paycheck doing this whenever they let me know they are hiring!

    2. Yep, I just checked, it costs about 2100 dollars

    3. Is that a one time charge Jesse? Or is it a yearly thing?

    4. I am not educated on how dot coms work, I guess it's one time, but hell, I don't know where the info sits, maybe it's stored in my computer or some server farm?
      Shoot, I've never had computer classes about how the internet works!
      When I was in high school, we still used the floppy discs, and were taught to program in basic, line 10
      line 20
      line 30
      that stuff. I think once you own a domain name, it's yours, but I'm pretty sure there must be a registration fee annually to maintain that you own a URL, and as far as where the data is stored, I've been relying on Google, who charges 20 a year for my blogs photos and data.
      Like I said, I'm going to stick with free, on Facebook.
      I was only pointing out that it's not cheap, and Facebook is free, and I've already got the page ""
      Why pay? I'm not in business, don't have advertisers, etc.
      I'm just sharing stuff, and after 14 years can promise that it's not any less effective when free on blogspot, or Facebook
      It's just fine as far as I know, after all, I've been on Facebook for years. It hasn't seemed evil to me.

  2. There is Wordpress if Blogger fails. I had a free blog there for a while. Of course I would understand if you wouldn't want to start over with set-up, etc.

    1. I won't bring the archives, just start from scratch. People rarely try to look through it all, most people just look in every couple days and catch up.
      I had a wordpress, and a livejournal, but don't like the way it's configured, and haven't added to those sites in years
      7 years since I added to

    2. hell, I just realized, I have a page on Drivetribe too. I haven't added to that in years either

  3. is this related to your issues with blogger not working?

  4. hope you have a backup of all the stuff youve posted!
    and you have enough traffic, you should be able to make money with some ads?

    1. I don't have a back up... Google ought to be able to handle that.
      I can make a backup, I suppose, as Google has a function for that
      But, since they claim to be a cloud based storage for businesses, and they ARE the business storing my stuff.... I don't think I need to make a back up.

    2. Id find a way to make a backup, just in case......
