Monday, August 17, 2020

It's amazing that Jaybird at Annualmobiles has been posting a photo a day from yearbooks for around 9 years now.

genius idea to source photos only from high school year books


  1. What's become of Annualmobiles? Nothing posted now for a long time. I always looked forward to new postings

    1. I am not in contact with the blogger, so I don't know. He seems to post once or twice a month, from what I see looking back at his blog. I suspect he's just having a bit more time between posts than usual.
      It must not be easy to find new material after he's exhausted all his local sources, so, I'll guess it's just a lull between source material becoming available.

      As for your question about the as station, with the blimps on the gas pumps, I'm not any expert with abilities to learn anything that you aren't able to learn.... so, get your Google Fu pumped up and hit the internet with single minded focus - you'll probably find out the answer.
      It's not my homework, I just happen to share the things I randomly come across while surfing the internet - I rarely dive any deeper into anything.... I certainly don't do it on request, that would mean that I'm open to requests to spend my time looking into and researching something I'm not interested in, because someone asks me to.
      Nope. I'd have to charge for that.
