Tuesday, August 11, 2020

44,000 posts, not a record, just a milestone


  1. Or a bloody long fence....


  2. Out standing! Cool graphic too. Really eye popping. if you look to the center it seems to be moving. Sir, you have a gift for finding "The Cool."

    1. Thank you! I got lucky, there were only two images that showed up in a search with a decent 44,000 showing, this was clearly the best, and far better than I was hoping for

  3. Amazing job - and still going strong!

    1. Thank you! For a little while longer at least. It is eveident that it's time to start looking for a new job, and so, with that unknown factor ahead, there is no indicator of how much time that will take, how long each day, how many days, weeks or months. Then, no idea what the new job will be, or how that will change my ability to post each day, or each week, or if I'll be pushed by the situation and other situations to stop blogging.
      Very frustrating and worrisome. The past 4 months have been a lot like retirement I suppose, staying home, spending very little, and doing not much but blogging
