Saturday, March 21, 2020

well friends, its been a long day blogging, the first in over a month, and it's thanks to Roderick M in New Zealand, and Stephen R

who both tossed a big bill in my tip cup the moment I mentioned I got laid off.

Then right away SMK and SHK clanged the tip jar handsomely, and the Jeffery W, Christopher H, and Robert F lobbed in grenades from beyond the 3 point line, ringing the jar quite loudly, and today (not many people pop in on weekends normally) Tim W clanged the tip jar too.

If you guys hadn't, I'm pretty sure I'd still be in a damn funk, seriously freaked out about being broke, being on half income as that's all unemployment seems to pay, and probably not getting out of bed until rack ejection proved I'd recovered from all the lost sleep this week (6 hours a night, normally, then I sleep in on weekends to make up for the hours the body craves)

But you guys pushed back the bad attitude and put me in the good mood to get back to some good blogging, so I hope you enjoy today's variety like I do

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