Sunday, March 17, 2019

Flip 'em the bird, and if that pisses them off, have a copy of the court transcript handy to keep them in check.

In the 3-0 decision Wednesday, the U.S. Court of Appeals says a driver who showed a police officer her middle finger is protected by the First Amendment.

 Judge Jeffrey Sutton wrote for the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals: "Fits of rudeness or lack of gratitude may violate the Golden Rule, but that doesn't make them illegal or for that matter punishable."

"Cruise-Gulyas did not break any law that would justify the second stop and at most was exercising her free speech rights," the court wrote.

It is well-settled that what Cruise-Gulyas did is protected by the Constitution, the court said. "Any reasonable officer would know that a citizen who raises her middle finger engages in speech protected by the First Amendment," Sutton wrote.


  1. On the other hand; protected speech or not, would you flip a hell's Angel the bird?

    1. Why not? They can't very well run you off the road, as they are only on bikes. Bikes lose to cars every single time
