Saturday, April 15, 2023

I spotted one of those new digital license plates today... they look just like the European ones


  1. The US has the most beautiful plates in the world and now some stupid bureaucrats come up with stuff as ugly as in Europe. Tsss...

    1. Because "European" license plates are not exist to be "pretty" but to be practical and functional. And in most countries they are free, free is good, free is nice... because it cost you 0 Euro to get one. We pay a lot of hard cash to maintain car, fuel it and insurance it, getting something free is good thing. And that make them beautiful in my opinion.

  2. By the way, is it possible to design uglier cars than this VW ?

    1. yes . Is this VW ugly? Or boring? Does it make your brain react in disgust? Cause that is what an actual ugly thing does. Or, do you simply feel disgust that it is so damn boring and dull? Enjoy the link of the worst ugly designed cars I've found

  3. I haven't spotted one yet - they are pretty ugly.

  4. I just got back in from San Juan and those plates where on maybe 20% of the cars. I didn't know they were the shape of things to come, I just thought it was something they did in Puerto Rico.
