Thursday, December 16, 2021

Did you grow up where there were a lot of woods, but you've been living in the city a long time, because that's where the jobs are, but you would like a nice quiet drive out on the 2 rut roads? Here's the video for you, so, get some coffee and have a donut!

it sure reminds me of where I grew up, and the last time I drove on roads like this? Around Christmas 1990 


  1. It's a pretty video. Looks like a nice wooded area. I think the beginning of the video is playing backwards, with the camera mounted on the back of the vehicle. There are a few times where they go under low branches and the snow goes up to the branch.

    1. Lol, I was wondering if anyone was going to notice that.
      I think they might have run the video in reverse to show the road as being fresh snow, no tracks. I dunno... something is very weird about it. BUt it's still cool to just get a video of a nice quiet drive on a forest road
