Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tech can do some amazing things that will never help you do what YOU need done, but still impress you. Help you find an apartment? Nope. Get hired with a payraise by a company that needs you? Nope. Tell you what airplane is flying by? Yes. useless, but yes

When they come up with tech that tell you the perfect way to ask for a date, win the lotto, get the best price on a used car, impress your girlfriends dad, block spam phone calls... let me know.

For now, yes, I'm impressed... but damn, when will they use their genius high tech stuff for something to get a hard working carpenter elected to president? Or diagnose you without a dr guessing, and tossing you prescriptions hoping one will help? Get your application to that one college approved? Tell you where on the planet is your PERFECT match? Inform us what the hell is REALLY causing gas to cost so damn much, or what the hell the sec of urban development does 260 working days a year that earns him that ridiculous income for not knowing shit about his job?

See what I mean? great tech, does cool stuff, but nothing that really helps you. 

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