Saturday, December 15, 2018

Thank you Bill M for clanging the tip jar


  1. I doubt you'll be able support yourself with the tip jar, but it would be nice to make a nickel for each hour you spend entertaining us. It's a great chance for the grateful to show their appreciation.

    1. I guarantee tip jar income isn't enough to support a dog, not a cat, but maybe a mouse.
      Don't take that to mean I'm condescending (not sure that is the best word, but it's close) about the tip jar, I'm super stoked that anyone thinks they'd be good with sending me some money... I'd be a little more flattered by a couple people who send 5 bucks, as they aren't realizing that's only enough for lunch at Costco (Slice of combo and a soda is 2.80, chicken bake and soda is 3.75) if they'd think I'm worth enough for a burrito and a soda at Rubios, that would make me feel a bit better.
      You know? 5 bucks isn't enough to get a slice and a beer. Me? I'm a beer and pizza guy. I oughta be, I'm nearly 50 years old. Beer and a coke is right for a high school teen, maybe for a christmas bonus for the newspaper delivery boy, or the kid that shovels your snow. Having just looked at the least 6 months of cool stuff I've posted, I think I rate at least a pizza and beer.
      On the other hand some really cool people like you think I'm (and the stuff I post) worth car parts!
      Like when someone ask you out for supper/dinner and they're buying? That's pretty damn cool. So, relative to that, when tipping for a years worth of entertainment, I'm blown away by car parts level money, vs costco pizza slice. Who would feel any different, right?
      As for a nickle and hour, that's 2 dollars a week, roughly, which = about 120 a year. Well, lemme tell you, only you've topped that. So, most people think that it's worth about a penny an hour, some people are even less with the Costco meal.
      Now, to be fair, it's far more shocking to pull money out of a wallet and hand it over, than it is to equate a tip with treating someone you know and appreciate, even respect, to a meal - which completely changes money to a significant intimate concept instead.

    2. I don't mean intimate in the bedroom sense, I mean it in the face to face sense of what people do when it's not over the internet, when it's really seeing and talking to the person vs typing and hitting the enter key
