Wednesday, April 17, 2024

the P 47 Rae caught my attention for it's ASTONISHING billboard, and mission symbols, but then... I see it's pilot had the same name as my maternal grandfather, H Shook! (this post motivated by all the wonderful readers who boosted my spirits today and got me posting instead of glumly applying to jobs)

He had a childhood dream of flying, and on his 21st birthday, he entered flight training for the Army Air Corp. He graduated just days after Pearl Harbor and remained in the states as an instructor pilot, further sharpening his flying skills. 

He was a career Air Force pilot and commander. As the D-Day invasion neared, he was offered a squadron commander position and promoted to major while still only 23 years of age. 

He participated in three different combat theatres including leading a squadron of P-47's for 3 missions during the D-Day invasion and 3 more the following day. 

He finished his USAF career leading an Air Division during the Vietnam War.

this is the best version of the billboard I can find

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