Thursday, May 25, 2023

ever heard of Zell's Angels?

Sam Zell was the largest owner of mobile-home parks in the US. His real-estate career kicked off in college, after managing the building where he lived in exchange for free rent, he moved on to managing other properties, ultimately incorporating an apartment-management business when he managed student housing apartments at the University of Michigan, by the time he graduated he managed about 4000 apartments and owned about 150 apartments. 

"This is the guy who started wearing jeans to work in the 1960s, when offices were a sea of gray suits," the book-jacket blurb reads. "He's the guy who told The Wall Street Journal in 1985, 'If it ain't fun, we don't do it.'

He rides motorcycles with his friends, Gerry Spector and Burt Richmond, the Zell's Angels, around the world, but he had never ridden a Harley. "Harley’s are for parading. I ride a motorcycle as a sport. I’m not the guy who goes out on Sunday and parades down the expressway. We ride all over the world and look for the twisty, windy roads." Their 1st ride was in 1985 and they did a ride or 2 every year after that

Zell described annual motorcycle trips that he takes with an eclectic group to Italy, Switzerland, Corsica, Sardinia—wherever the scenery is breathtaking and the roads vertiginous. 

 Zell died with a 5.1 billion dollar fortune. Apparently, he enjoyed earning money, and didn't see any reason to enjoy spending it. Why die with it? What's the point of getting it if you're not going to use it? That's like buying the desert so you own the most sand.


  1. he didnt like Harleys and he died. See there?
