Tuesday, January 31, 2023

I wonder what's the average age of readers of this blog?

Robert, who's 76
Gary 78
Robert 56
Ian 73
Richard 78
Doug 73
Marc 50
Dennis 78
Chuck 68
Hank 70
Pete 55
Jeff 75
Concrete 55
M Currie 75
Tommy 43
Sam Joe 51
SPD 68
Auto Clandestino 46
Steve 67

average is now 65

JbfrmCa 55
Nova Curmudgeon 72
David 73 


  1. This will do the curve no good...75.

  2. Late (as usual) but dead-on average at 68 1/2.

  3. 51. (I know it is a late entry, but please consider the time difference as an explanation if not excuse.)

  4. I'm 75. Not sure how it happened, but there it is.

  5. Hey Jesse,I would put it down to you being one generation later than you should have been! ;-) Otherwise,how do you explain being into all the things we dig? Karma mate...karma.

  6. jbfrmca. 55 here.
