Tuesday, October 25, 2022

your good feeling story of the day... a National Teachers Day chance reunion on an airliner

Awwwww. Good teachers are special, and lifelong influences. Damn shame we don't get to let them know when we're in our 50s or 60s how cool they were, and how much we liked them. Tell your kids or grandkids, to make their favorite teacher a thing on graduation or something like that. 


  1. Fabulous. We remember our teachers, not statistics. Good teachers produce good citizens. Thanks so much.

  2. Many people talk about how important a particular teacher was in changing their lives. If someone relates a story like that please encourage them to try to find out how they can communicate with that teacher and tell them how grateful they are. In a teaching career you have the opportunity to come in contact with hundreds, even thousands of students. Hearing from just one that is thankful for your efforts is a tremendous gift.
