Thursday, August 25, 2022

in the news today was yet another stupid California law passed in hopes of politicians getting their voting block to re-elect them for accomplishing nothing but pushing off actions onto yet to be elected politicians a dozen years from now

Last time it was a ridiculous idea that no cars would get sold in California by 2005, or something like that, unless they were 40 mpg or better. I don't remember any specifics, because it was all a boondoggle to appease the idiots that elected some bozo to accomplish liberal agenda items, but instead, got a law  passed that had no action, and only left someone a dozen years later in office when the delay was over. 

So this newest stupidity, is to pass a law that will take effect in 2035 or 2040, whatever, it really doesn't matter when, because the goal is to prevent cars from being sold in California that emit greenhouse pollution gases. 

Yeah, here are some easy to see reasons that ain't going to happen:

trucking, mass transportation city busses, cop cars, fire trucks, etc aren't going to go electric or hydrogen cell power
The only funds for road construction and maintenance I'm aware of is the gas tax.
No gas cars? No tax revenue to fix roads
Oh, and electric cars are heavier than gas engine powered ones, and damage the roads more
The power lines, power generation and transmission capability of the state, can not handle an increased electrical load during a heat wave
Yes, that is right, there is not enough electricity in California, to charge electric cars that this law intends to benefit, by elimination gas powered new car sales

I'm sure you can think of other easy to see reasons the gas powered cars will get this law overturned

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