Tuesday, January 25, 2022

interesting headlight mounts, and roll bar



  1. Those mounts look like they might have originally turned up on the car they came from.

  2. The headlights look like they switched them from left to right. The streamlined wheel covers show some effort to cut wind drag.

    1. sure is, very clever. I believe the lights are fender mounted to make it fast and easy to remove at the dry lakes and drag strips when the fenders came off. I happen to love the roadster look with, and without, these huge ol fenders that remind me of a puppy with big feet

  3. You're probably right about the headlight mounts being switched from one side to the other but I wonder what car they came from? That Ford had a fender to fender crossbar the original lights mounted on.
    The Moon discs(hubcaps) were a stinker to get on and off without denting, very thin spun aluminum.
