Sunday, January 23, 2022

the Dodge marketing and promotions ambassador job is now accepting applications (must be a video between 30 seconds and 2 minutes) to get the $150,000 pay and Hellcat to be the social media influencer for Dodge


videos about how to make an application video at at

This won't require anyone to quit their day job, but it will require the winner to become a social media star, and bring a lot of attention to the Dodge and Hellcat brands. The winner will need to be 18, and have a drivers license, and live in the United States or Puerto Rico, and not be an employee of Mopar, Dodge, or in the family household of someone that is. 

So, make a video that has the potential to stun the judges with just how great you are in front of the camera, not behind it, and keep it clean. No drugs, alcohol, weapons, swearing, slurs, sex, racism, bigotry, burnouts or donuts on public roads, unsafe driving, or body parts hanging out of a vehicle etc. 

Keep it clean, impressive, safe, and focused on your enthusiasm and ability to win over viewers, avoiding anything that upsets or annoys.

Only one of the 1st 10,000 videos will be judged. 

Upload your video YouTube,Vimeo, Facebook or Instagram feed and include #ChiefDonutMakerContest in the description or post copy. 

Only valid links from those sites containing that hashtag will be accepted. Copy the link to your publicly visible video and return to  

Only valid links submitted on DodgeGarage will be considered entries. 

So far there are only 4 events that are mentioned, that the Chief Donut Maker will be able to attend, a driving school track day, the Detroit Auto Show,

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