Monday, December 20, 2021

useless electric firetruck, that's overpriced too. Tax dollars at work filling some politician's agenda, not serving the public taxpayers best

The battery-powered Rosenbauer, which recharges when parked and plugged in at the firehall, comes with a diesel “range extender” which allows the truck to be operated for longer than its normal range of about 100 km and 90 minutes.

The cost of a traditional diesel pumper truck is $1.2 million compared to about $1.5 million for the Rosenbauer, built by an Austria-based company.

Moore said when vehicles and larger pieces of equipment are electrified, the cost is often 50 per cent more.

Moore was impressed with several features of the Rosenbauer above its role in fighting climate change.
If it is stopped at a red light and boxed in by vehicles, for example, the pumper can turn all its wheels at an angle to move sideways out of traffic.

And if there is a disaster such as an earthquake, the truck body can be raised to pass over road debris.
The Rosenbauer pumps about 5,600 litres of water a minute, which Moore said was the North American standard. The regular City of Vancouver diesel firetrucks pump up to 8,500 litres a minute, which is needed because the city’s insurance rating for earthquakes is based on the ability of fire trucks to pump water in an emergency.

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