Saturday, January 09, 2021

ummmm, why does the amount of good taste and decorum decrease when someone's wealth increases? Do they get stupider? Color blind? crazy? Or are they just letting their inner freak flag fly to see how many people are paying attention?

this guy looks like a dead ringer for Iggy Pop mixed with John Waters, with David Lee Roths hair from 1983, trying to pull off a modern Nudie Cohn


  1. But in all fairness of all the customs you will ever see you will definitely remember this one.

  2. Is it ok to kinda like the upholstery? That overcast leather stitching has always appealed to me.

  3. Naw, on this one I think he did good. Weird-ish style can come into its own right. His other cars suck, though.

  4. But as for your original question, even the nouveau riche can posses some style, while those born into wealth can screw up gloriously by - say - having their name in large, golden letters plastered on buildings here and there.

  5. One last one:

  6. Yes, that does seem to be the illusion in the first photo. Then again, he could be just a small person. But I have to say, this hurts my eyes to look at it.
