Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Just learned of a great hack! Parking lot style

UserBrono commented

years ago before printers and the internet, my brother used to take a Polaroid of parking stickers in the employee lots, at the college he attended, cut the picture to the correct size and glue it on his back bumper so he could park in the teachers lot.


  1. When I was in college, the parking pass was a sticker that went on the inside of the windshield. Some people would put the sticker onto a piece of Saran wrap, so it could be used on different cars, either to share it with other people, or if you had more than one car that you might drive to campus.

  2. Trying to enter the expensive pits at the long beach grand prix in the 80's, we would look at the stamp on people's hands. Go back to the car, carve the shape from an apple, dab it in ink: stamp our own hands and walk right in like we owned the place!
