Tuesday, March 24, 2020

this would be a great time to make a movie if you wanted empty roads, bridges, and highways, if it weren't for this debilitating panic over a flu


  1. "This debilitating panic over a flu"? Are you that stupid?

    1. You seem to think so.
      And I doubt you can carry on a reasonable, logical, unfreaked out, unbiased conversation in which you bring reasonable evidence that I'm stupid, and then convince me that it's something other than what I called it.
      Something that's debilitating seriously affects someone or something's strength or ability to carry on with regular activities
      So, since this time of stay at home by orders of the government when a flu is causing extreme reactions like hoarding of toilet paper, I do believe I have used a reasonable phrase to describe what's going on.
      There are no zombies, dinosaurs, or martial law (in the USA, where I happen to live)
      Since this Covid 19 is an infectious respiratory illnesses, and not the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), nor is it Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), it's merely a flu.
      It's not going to kill healthy people, though it does kill old people, but then, so does everything. Cold winters, hot summers, blood thickening, heart disease, arterial plaque and high cholesterol, Alzheimers, diabetes, etc etc.
      Yes, old people die.
      No one lives forever, and the older we get the easier it is for things to kill us, like being overweight, underweight, etc.
      So, I'm not getting all bleeding heart liberal freak out hug a tree ask for Bernie to save us, because this is just another of thousands of things that kills old people.
      Now, if you really think you can keep your shit together and have a conversation about why you feel I'm stupid, okay by me.
      I'll simply delete comments that sound like you're not even trying to be civil. Go far out into left field weirdo hyperbole and poof, you just wasted your time typing. I'll delete stupid shit and move onto enjoying my day posting things to entertain other people.
      If that offends you, just move along.
      I'm not always right, I'm just always the person here that runs this blog however the fuck I want to, saying whatever the fuck I please
      If you're easily offended, move along
      If you can't be eloquent and persuasive to prove your point, move along.
      I'm just a car guy, I'm not Johns Hopkins, or Eistein. I make mistakes, say stupid shit from ignorance, and other human traits that indicate I'm not the smartest person you'll ever know.
      But I do not think that my 127 IQ is letting me down on this.
      What's your IQ and why do you think I'm wrong?

    2. PS, if this was MRSA, HIV, zombies or dinosaurs, I'd be freaking out, hoarding, and booby trapping the surroundings to slow down attacks.
      I'd be in a hazmat suit, wearing a filtered respirator, and studying the movies about super deadly diseases to see what else Hollywood thought would be a great way to prevent getting infected. Double and triple surgical gloves anyone?

  2. While they share similar symptoms (e.g. respiratory tract infections, coughing, fever, etc.) the coronavirus is not the flu. They are two separate viruses. This differentiation matters because of the rate at which the coronavirus is spreading and that there is yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections, as there are for the flu. The coronavirus does not only kill those with previous health conditions and the elderly. It can cause death any “healthy” person of any age. It is simply not known at this point why the virus causes mild symptoms in some and death in others. It appears that the younger and healthier a person is the better chance they have of recovery, and this is true of most viruses, but it is no guaranty. Cases among people in their 20’s and 30’s is rising. The true effect on all segments of the population will not be known until the virus has run its course. Beyond not knowing why the coronavirus affects some and not others, the rate of transmission is a major concern. The US medical system is simply not prepared to handle the number of people infected if the rate of infections continues to climb at the rate it has been. The flu affects a large number of people every year (estimates vary and a true count is difficult to ascertain) sending many to the hospital, but the flu season is long and the numbers are spread out. The coronavirus is happening quickly and overrunning the hospitals. This is a bad situation not only for those who contract the virus, but those who have any other medical condition or issue that would require them to go to the hospital.

    Yes, the elderly die every day. People with medical conditions die every day. It doesn’t mean much until it is someone close to you.

    1. So it's the same as the flu.
      Admit it.
      The difference isn't much, and you didn't elaborate and how any annual flu strain has the same outcome. plus often results in Pneumonia, which results in higher number of old people dying.
      One moment, I forgot to address your first sentence with a response
      No shit Sherlock.
      It is not the flu? Holy shit, you can recognize the obvious.
      they are two separate viruses?
      OMFG, you don't say.
      That means they are different?

      OK, now that your nonsense has been responded to with an equal amount of stupid...
      ya really get how useless it is to say that two things are not the same?

      So, it's a different virus, well, its similar enough to be of little to no difference from the flu.
      The indigenous populations of many countries were wiped out with viruses that the Europeans were inoculated against by virtue of generations of them having survived every outbreak of pox, small pox, German fever, measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc etc etc

      So it doesn't matter that its a different virus, its the same as any other flu, it merely has a slight enough difference that it affects people that no longer have anything to fear from the flu.

      and you actually stumbled onto something without realizing that it doesn't carry the sentiment you intended it would
      "It doesn't mean much until it is someone close to you"
      Exactly what difference does it make what kills old people? They are guaranteed to die soon, it happens to be universally understood as one of only two sure things, Death And Taxes!
      I am related to, and quite fond of several really old people, that simply changes nothing to know what they will die of, as nothing in the universe will change the outcome of aging. All people die of old age if they survive living through this shit show of cancers, driving among morons and drunks, and the stupidity of youth like falling off stuff when their feet weren't on the ground.

      You seem to say that, omg, people get sick! Well, if you don't know someone with cancer yet, I am glad for your innocence in the face of one of the many killing diseases that most people have dealt with.
      to use one of your sentences with impunity
      "It can cause death any “healthy” person of any age."

      See just why I'm not giving a shit that a new flu is killing fewer people than the last flu? Killing fewer people than cancer? Than HIV Aids?

      You might be panicking, I might be ignorant, but this virus isn't what you and others are hyping it up to be.

      It's not Ebola, Its not HIV, and the world already dealt with those without toilet paper hoarding.

      The hospitals of every known country in the world were "simply not prepared to handle the number of people infected if the rate of infections continues to climb " to use another of your sentences.

      Yet the countries didn't tell everyone to go home. No one hoarded toilet paper.

      They got their shit together and hit back, unlike this covid 19. So, take it down a notch on the panic, there is little to worry about from this flu virus, but there is plenty to easily see that the medical response to this virus was not on the ball, because this virus came out of China, not Europe, not Africa. Hell, I don't think anything except cocaine and illegal aliens come out of South America.

    2. I've read your comment and replaced corona virus and flu with the word cancer, and you know what?
      Nothing changed.
      And we deal with the knowledge every day that cancer just fucking happens.
      Yet we don't panic and hoard toilet paper because it's a known problem.

      If you are one that panics about all the unknown, the UFOs, ghosts, and monsters in the closet, and is religious, and prays to the area above your head that extends forever in hopes there is a mind reading non human creature somewhere that makes miracles happen with magic, then I feel sorry for you.
      This must scare the crap out of people like that, who need the proverbial religious imaginary daddy figure with super powers to fix things beyond your control.

      But this doesn't freak me out, and religion ain't for me.

      This is just a flu, and you can avoid getting it by not getting sneezed on by an infected person, and washing your hands.

      No matter how much toilet paper gets hoarded by morons, it won't change their chances of getting this flu.

      Whatever, freak out if you must, just keep it to yourself while you wash your hands.

      There aren't any zombies, so lighten the hell up

  3. https://www.thedrive.com/news/32721/street-racing-is-rampant-on-torontos-newly-empty-highways

  4. So sorry. I was trying to have a "reasonable, logical, unfreaked out, unbiased conversation". You prefer to rant. I guess that was the whole point of your post. Trolling at its best. My fault for falling for it. Good work.
