Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Only 19 years too late to use this coupon for a free set of MSD ignition wires. Damn it.

I finally used my income tax return last year to get the distributor, but the previous year bought a set of plug wires, not realizing the dustributor cap ends were that weird uncommon female end, not the common old fashioned male ends that plug into a distributor cap. So, I couldn't use this coupon for several reasons.

But I'm still steamed that if you follow a certain predetermined cockamamie set of rules, you get the prize. But spend the fucking money on the same stuff and more, like the MSD 6AL controller box, and you don't qualify. To me, that's bullshit. Treat your customers like it matters that it matters that they chose to spend your paychecks with them!

1 comment:

  1. Too many companies treat customers as an after thought, they miss the connection between the money people spend and the paychecks they take home ...
