Wednesday, November 14, 2018

well, it's bad news. The rich people with enough money to install fire sprinklers, fire suppression systems, Halon, etc etc etc haven't. You know, there are million dollar cars to BUY, and INVEST in... not PROTECT. So, the Norman Timbs Special, and 29 other cars, are toast. Too rich to realize they are in the SO CAL FIRE ZONE.

is now a puddle of burnt junk. And so are these in the below images from a gallery that Hot Rod Magazine posted

before you comment and tell me what an asshole I am for not being full of condolences... and all that modern hippy blather... I don't bullshit you. I see that someone was a caretaker for these, and failed to do one simple thing. Protect them.

If you think for a minute that given the assets and abilities that this collector had available at a warehouse in MALIBU for a multimillion dollar CAR COLLECTION, you haven't noticed me at work. You tell me to protect something? It's better off than an air force missile silo's shower curtain.

I hope to hell Jay Leno has some super fire suppression system for his collection. As far as I'm concerned bring over a couple trailer tankers of 15 thousand gallons of liquid nitorgen and when a mechanical, electrical, pnuematic, or hydraulic sensor says "FIRE" they just get activated nice and simple and redundant and nitrogen the shit out of the whole warehouse industrial complex storing the collection, and the doors get shut and the whole thing is quickly immersed in nice cold nitogen, and nary a spark enters the now pressurized but only slightly above atmospheric pressure 14.7 psi give or take some barometric variance. 18 psi ought to do it. That will last a couple days through the worst fire storms... and then, just hit the fans, and ventilate the worlds most common gas into the atmo.

Paint Underdog on the tank... and go get a cold drink. 


  1. I'm with you on this one, they make systems that fill an aircraft hangar with foam in a couple minutes. The cost would be peanuts compared to what's at stake, and your insurance company should give you a break.

  2. The owner restored the Timbs Special for the second time after it was destroyed in the 2018 fire.
