Monday, March 04, 2024

Here's another reason people say California is getting more expensive, and moving out... the car insurance is going sky high (without the driver causing it)


notice the two bills are exactly two years apart, and they've raised my cost, for a depreciating car, after more years and safe driving. 

If my math is right, its 35% higher. I did not get a 35% raise. 

I just realized when getting a comment from Poncho-Train... ... the damn Hyundai corporation allowed them to be hacked and stolen. THAT is probably why the insurance jumped up.  PT remarks that he's 76, and his Kia Kona went up 43%


  1. Car insurance companies do not reward customer loyalty. You need to go shopping if you have been with the same company for more than 3 or 4 years. They count on us to be too lazy, or dim, to shop elsewhere. The part that is sad is that when you go shopping again, in another 3 or so years, this company you just left will miraculously have the lower price. These corporations (I include all companies with stockholders in that list) don't give the slightest F$%# about you until after you have taken your money and left.

  2. I pay about $635.00 a year for no fault, 2 vehicle, 2 drivers........when I add my 900 turbo in the summer months, it adds $87.00. (Maine)

    1. I'm paying for max coverage, 300k per collision etc, because California has way too many Ferrari and uninsured drivers

  3. Louisiana as well. Insurance on my Hyundai Kona (Limited Turbo) went up 43% this year.. 5 year old car, driver is 76 years old and has no violations or claims over the last 20 years.

    1. I just realized... damn Hyundai corporation allowed them to be hacked and stolen. THAT is probably why the insurance jumped up
