Friday, February 09, 2024

I get some bizarre emails. Here's one for an example of how difficult people are.

Jesse I’m interested in knowing about the painting by NORMAN ROCKWELL of Henry Ford and his wife in the red brick shed. 

 How many oil on canvas paintings were done and what year? I’m having a very hard time locating in formation on this painting.  

Thank you for any assistance you might be able to provide, 

Sincerely Sam G.


Sam is asking website people about something, but not sending a link so I can quick and easy see what he's referring to. That is annoying. Now, to answer him, I have to figure out how to find it among the other 57000 articles.

 Wastes my time, just to answer a question, which he could use google to figure out, unless he's rich enough to care enough to learn this trivia, like an art collector, but too lazy to spend the time finding out.

 Get where I'm coming from? I'm not a Rockwell expert, nor, do I work at an art gallery, art museum, or art university.

I'm just a car guy. 

But I got this info in less than 5 minutes using google. Then I added the info to that post (link below) because I want my posts to be as informative as I can make them when it's interesting info



  1. You are the best Jesse! Carry on Sir

  2. As the Danish saying goes: "One fool can ask more question the ten smart ones can answer." Too many are either too lazy or to dumb (or both) to do even the simplest of internet searches....

    I've stopped helping them out long time ago, but - assuming it's something I actually know about - still take the time occasionally to counter claims that are too stupid.

    1. thank you! that one fool to 10 smart people, that's a good one! I know parents get tired of how many questions kids ask

  3. Are you the asshole?
    Maybe you need to step it up a bit. :)
    But seriously, you're not his servant. If folks sent this sort of shit to me, I'd delete the email and go on.
    -I- am the asshole.
    Thanks for your excellent website, Jesse.

  4. No, you are not the asshole. It was nice of you to find the information and add it to your post, but it wasn't required.
