Friday, August 12, 2022

climate change heat wave victim that needs some kindness and focused attention, the New York carriage horse. They're NOT able to work all damn day without BETTER care from assholes making a living off the sweat off their backs

 aka, people suck.

BUT FINALLY I can say thank you to the NYPD for stepping up to help the horses. It was the horse mounted division of NYPD, who jumped in to help the horse with a COOL DOWN shower of water. 

Officers in the Mounted Unit tendede to the horse, shutting down the block and placing a pillow under its head while cooling it down with ice and a hose. 

(People forget that the effing pavement IS HOT and a heat exhaustion victim is now WORSE off when laying on the pavement. 

The horse managed to get back on its feet with the help of the NYPD.

this is the first, and will likely be the only positive thing I ever say about NYPD, but these guys deserve it, and earned it

1 comment:

  1. This is a good example of the ignorance of easterners . we here in the west live with and depend on Horses . In the 1800's there was many horses' that calasped in the streets of N.Y. It didn't make the news back then because it wasn't news . just over worked animals . If you work any animal in that heat , on that asphalt , and don't take the care it/They need you will pay the price . It is not Climent change .
