Wednesday, August 15, 2018

1938 Ihle Schottenring micro car, basically a fair or carnival ride – these little cars ran on a wooden track and had bumpers (thanks Gary!)

Ihle Brothers in Bruchsal Germany produced some amazing vintage micro cars which were used at fairs in autodromes. The Brothers Rudolf and Fritz Ihle started their company in 1930 in Bruchsal and soon realized that in 1933 the body of the BMW Dixis were out of style, mostly because it was based on the shape of a 1922 Austin seven. So they introduced a more sporty shaped body the Ihle 600, which could be mounted on any Dixi frame. Customers could change there old body for these modern shaped cars on their old frames. These models were only available in Signal Red.


  1. Cool jet intake, a bit like this one:

  2. I just purchased a Schottenring Mercedes Benz roadster and would like to contact others who own or have restored them
