Monday, September 23, 2024

the volunteer fire department of Calhoun, Missouri was just rescued from bankruptcy by a million dollar donation from 91 year old Sam Sloan. That's the coolest thing I've seen in a while!

When Mark took over as chief of the volunteer fire dept in 2021, there was just one volunteer and none of the trucks worked. After Mark used his own money to fix one up and get it running, he put out a call on Facebook for more volunteers; now there’s 29

Mark and other volunteers had already been using their own money to fix two of their five broken trucks. With their gear, from the 1980s and 1990s, desperately needing to be replaced, Mark figured he’d be going into his pocket again. There was only $169 in the bank account

Then he met Sam, and Sam handed him a check for a 1/2 mil, Sam had owned and sold seed companies, cattle ranches, car dealerships and property, earned a lot of money over his life but lives simply.

He’d been saving for decades with the idea to give back, and he’d always admired firefighters and decided his local fire department would make the perfect beneficiary. He had no idea they were down to their last dollar.

Sam donated an additional $330,000 to purchase a larger building for their second firehouse, which they plan to name the Samuel A. Sloan, Jr. Fire Station—and another $200,000 for remodeling.

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