Saturday, May 18, 2024

the 1st taco stand a Michelin star has been awarded to

Chef Arturo Rivera Martínez has stood over an insanely hot grill for 20 years at Mexico City’s Tacos El Califa de León, searing meat in a 10-foot by 10-foot business where there are only four things on the menu, all tacos, and it's earned him the 1st Michelin star that has been awarded to a taco stand among the 1 6 Mexican restaurants given one star

 In fact, other than perhaps one street food stand in Bangkok,  El Califa de León is probably the smallest restaurant ever to get a Michelin star: Half of the 100 square-foot space is taken up by a solid steel plate grill

El Califa de León is a tribute to resistance to change. It got there by doing exactly the same four things it has been doing since 1968.

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