Saturday, April 27, 2024

this is something coincidental... ANOTHER Austin Healey 3000 in a movie this month alone...

this was in the 1st transformers movie... a simple easy pleasure to watch

If you even think of watching it, remember, the amazing casting of John Turturro, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, a fun scene with Bernie Mac as a used car salesman, and the perfect casting of young Shia Lebouf 

Before I forget, the casting in Transformers Dark Side of the Moon (3rd movie) is equally terrific, Buzz Aldrin in a cameo, Ken Jeong as a crazy guy, Frances McDormand, John Malkovich, and one of the best actors at playing a funny crazy guy, Alan Tudyk... and voicing Megatron is Hugo Weaving, and Leonard Nimoy voiced Sentinel Prime

the 4th movie has Stanley Tucci (what a hoot), Kelsey Grammer, TJ Miller, and Mark Wahlberg. John Goodman voices "Hound" and Ken Watanabe voices "Drift" 

the 5th movie has Stanley Tucci as Merlin the magician for Pete's sake, Josh Duhamel, Wahlberg, and Anthony Hopkins, John Turturro, and Steve Buscemi voives "Daytrader" 

but one thing struck me as very off... why the hell did they have the line about a high rise double pumper under the hood of the old Camaro Bumble Bee (before he switched to new Camaro) and then, they show THIS under the hood:

I don't even know what these are for sure, fuel injection Webers? 

What moron wrote the line for the Mikaela character: "Whoa, nice headers. You've got a high-rise double-pump carburetor. That's pretty impressive, Sam"

OR was it simply that instead of showing a typical carb'd Chev 350, someone screwed up and used the above instead, but... still, high rise, everyone knows that the intakes are high rises, and fuel injectors are not built like a Holley carb, the 750 double pumper.

1 comment:

  1. They look like Weber side draft carbs on Jim Inglese intake, like the one under Smallblock Chevy here -
