Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Matthew Field and Kate Leadbetter were killed by a drunk and drug-affected driver, so, their families met with the Mayor, who was holding copies of a petition calling for tougher youth sentencing. THEN the mayor drank several glasses of wine, and DRUNK DROVE away from the anti drunk driving event. AND CRASHED INTO A TREE east of Brisbane

She refuses to resign, because she believes that when SHE drunk drives, it's only "a mistake" "a rash decision" and because the police didn't arrest her for drunk driving (she is their boss) she does not understand that she knowingly broke the laws of impaired driving, drunk driving, reckless endagerment, etc. 

So, when other people drunk drive, SHE has a news conference public event where she holds up petitions for tougher sentencing. 

When SHE drives drunk? It's not illegal, it's not wrong, it's not the same. It's only a "rash decision" just a "serious error of judgement".

Shortly before she drove drunk, and crashed into a tree, Williams had declared, "We need to clean up the drunk driving," according to Seven News.

She has been mayor of Redland for 10 years. She refuses to acknowledge that she does not comprehend that drinking and driving, proves she has no good judgement, and no perception of legal and illegal behavior in her personal life, and that there is no connection to that ignorance, and performing as Mayor


  1. Life write the best tragifarce.

  2. Time for a prosecutor at State/Province level to step in and file charges. In the US she would be a democrat.

  3. Do as I say, not as I do.

  4. greggBC, This is not the forum for your politics.

    1. If i was annoyed by what he said, I would not approve and post it. He didn't say anything, unless you think pointing out her political party preference is offensive. I don't. I think he was accurate and used as few words as possible to say so.

    2. lol, like Dr Strange said " I'll allow it"

    3. Hi Jesse the Mayor in question is a LMP member which is the major right wing conservative party in Australia so to say she was Democrat leaning is totally incorrect.

    4. So? No one has to be totally correct here. Feel free to be opinionated, and to allow others to be opinionated. The drunk driver doesn't deserve the respect it takes to get her political ideology correct. His comment doesn't affect anyone else, nor should anyone take it personal, he voiced his "comment" and I'm fine with it, in fact, I have to read and post every comment, to prevent the spams, the bots, the advertising, etc that isn't legit. Lets move along and hope democracy and civil elections take their course and her community decides how to get along with a drunk in office taking swipes at other drunks, but acting holier than thou. Oh, what? Like a liberal democrat. Yup. People suck, and drunk drivers that excuse themselves, because they are on a power trip with a paycheck, and a sweet pension plan, that they can't find with any job after such public humiliation.

    5. Wow pointing out a factual error is being opinionated. Don't let the truth get in the way of your narrative. Hypocrisy is unfortunately not restricted to one side of politics and should always be called out. Peace and love to all.

  5. greggBC, this is the forum for your politics. They are mine too. LOL!

    1. Huh, I did presume that you left his comment to show how little he know about Australian politicians or that he did not even read articles in links you provide. Mayor Williams is member of LNP (Liberal National Party of Queensland) with the word "Liberal" is for giggles there. LNP is conservative party, right-wing if you like, in the US limited party choice her political preference would be republican or trumpist, definitely not democrat.

    2. nope. Also, no one has to be totally correct here. Feel free to be opinionated, and to allow others to be opinionated. The drunk driver doesn't deserve the respect it takes to get her political ideology correct.

    3. Well of course, drunk drivers are the worst and she is on top place to be the human trash of the year award recipient. But if gregg insist to make it a political thing then at least he could make it right, no pun intended.

  6. I'm with GreggBC. We had a drunk driving judge who got booted out of Rockland County, NY over ten years ago. He had the nerve, as does this mayor, to defend his actions. We need more truth. Go for it, GreggBC and thank, Jesse, for printing his comment. Anyone who would like to die at the hands of a drunk driver, well, be politically correct!
