The LA Times has a good recap of the issue:,0,1997161.story#axzz2x0DDSSbM
Engineer Jacob Gregoire was handcuffed and placed in the rear seat of a CHP cruiser after he refused to move his fire truck, which was parked in the center divider of Interstate 805 on the night of Feb. 4. The truck was partially blocking the lane closest to the divider to protect ambulance crews working to aid two people injured when a Mustang hit a cement barrier and rolled over, according to Chula Vista Fire Department officials.
The claim against the CHP filed by Gregoire alleges that the arrest was illegal and obstructed Gregoire and other emergency responders from caring for the accident victims. It accuses the arresting CHP officer, Sergio Flores, of arrogance, bullying and ill will.
When Flores was ordered to release Gregoire, he said, “This is not over yet. You are not being arrested, but I am not done with you. You’re going to have to answer for your actions,” according to the claim.
“This is all about ego of the CHP officer. It has nothing to do with authority at the scene,” said Dan Gilleon, Gregoire’s attorney. “This is not an isolated incident. The same office has done this in the past and done this since, so this is not a problem they are trying to fix. They are trying to sweep this under the rug.”
Firefighter Files Claim Against CHP:
found on
A fire fighter in Louisiana was inside a house helping a woman during a medical call, with his fire truck on the side of the street with its lights flashing. A police officer came to the house, asked the fireman to move the truck and cuffed him and put him in the police car when he refused. He was in the police car for 22 minutes. See it on