Thursday, September 26, 2013

believe it, it's true. Fartkontrol means speed control in Sweden

Thanks to Mose on Facebook, verified on

and because people are far better than websites, for information accuracy, look at the comments to this post:

 "fartkontrol" is Danish for "speed check", "fartkontroll" is Swedish. It's simply a matter of there being one or two "l"s. Also, "fartskontroll" is the Norwegian term for it

It's true. Also when an elevator is moving (up/down) some elevators have a sign saying "I fart" which means "Elevator is moving"

1 comment:

  1. Almost; "fartkontrol" is Danish for "speed check", "fartkontroll" is Swedish. It's simply a matter of there being one or two "l"s. Also, "fartskontroll" is the Norwegian term for it.

    Awesome blog, fantastic pictures.
