Sunday, July 07, 2024

it could happen to anyone that isn't caring to focus on staying under the 20 mph speed limit, but it only makes news when it's a favorite super star... so I was shocked to read just now that Simon Pegg lost his drivers license due to too many speeding tickets, for the 2nd time this decade.

The 54 yr old celeb was behind the wheel of his MB AMG when he was caught over the limit in Hackney Wick on October 24 last year.

Due to the catalogue of past driving misdemeanors, the latest offence put him in line for an automatic driving ban for 6 months, due to other penalty points already on his license, but the judge doubled the usual six-month penalty as it is Pegg’s second disqualification, having been banned from the road in 2021 following a series of speeding offences that resulted in 13 points in 4 speeding tickets, one was for 63 in a 40

Obviously, the speed limits are set ridiculously low to generate roughly 1000 dollars per incident... 
a £665 fine, plus £90 costs and a £266 victim surcharge. 

WTF a "victim surcharge" will be used for, other than to fund whatever needs in general that the govt will waste tax dollars on, is a mystery. They sure as hell aren't filling in potholes, Rod Stewart proved that when he went about filling in potholes next to his residence a couple years ago. Nor is a "victim surcharge" applicable to anyone hurt by this specific 36 in a 20 zone speeding. There was no "victim" injured or harmed. 

Pegg must be awfully fed up with effing low god damn speed limits. It's time for him to get a 24/7 driver, or move to a country that doesn't have all the damn speeding cameras and low speed limits

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