Sunday, April 07, 2024

a real street sign in Bakersfield, but you'll probably never see it there... it keeps getting stolen by Korn fans.

The street was named to honor Korn on Feb. 24, 2006

The sign has been stolen and replaced at least 6 times.


  1. For obvious reasons, the French town of 'Pussy' had the same problem.

  2. I have a friend whose address is Easy Street. Sign gets swiped fairly regularly. He painted the pole with dirty old fifth wheel grease. That slowed it down.

  3. I have a street sign for the corner of California and Norris in my yard and it's been stolen 3 times! Once they took the whole pole out the ground and the next night tossed the pole back into my yard with the signs missing! People are crazy. The city changed the style of the them now and they have several rivets instead of bolts.

    1. What's the appeal of California or Norris?
