Sunday, January 30, 2022

XI XXIV... anyone know what that is about?


  1. Roman numerals for 11 24. Google brought forth this:

    What is special about the 24th of November?

    On November 24, 1963, Dallas night club owner Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald on public television.

    On November 24, 1971, the hijacker D.B. Cooper parachuted from a plane with $200,000 of ransom money and was never seen again.

    November 24, 1859, Charles Darwin published his 'Origin of Species'.

  2. the only thing I came up with:
    MARK 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

    apparently, it's a thing with religious folk to make sure you know they are religious.

    1. you nailed it! Thank you!
      You're right, religious people are so extroverted, and MUST gush about it. Vegans too. It's the punchline to a joke... how do you know someone's vegan? They'll TELL YOU.

  3. And here I was thinking the year 1124. Nothing happened.

    Bikers MUST let you know they are bikers. NASCAR fans MUST let you know they are NASCAR fans. Don't be ridiculous about religious people. Extroverts are extroverts. I'm a religious introvert and there is nothing on my car to advertise my religion.

    1. maybe where you live, you don't have the Mormon bikers, who ride bicycles around and knock on doors to see if you've blah blah blah.
      Or the other type, I can't even recall the name, but another door to door.
      Remember the Hari Krishnas?
      My point is that there are a LOT of pushy religious people.
      Now, when's the last time an atheist went door to door and told anyone that religion is a bunch of hooey?
      Of the agnostics? etc etc.
      So, religions? Noisy and pushy, even on tv, they have to have lots of tv shows and evangelists making static.
      No tv shows are on, or ever have been that I know of, that go on for hours about anti-religious logic, facts, and evidence.
      Oh yeah, and you brought up the nuts with stuff all over their vehicles that shout religion.
      I think you might be off base with saying that I'm ridiculous about religious people.
      Exhibit A, the snake wrangler idiots.
      Exhibit B, the no eating pigs Hebrew/Jewish idiocy (actual religious text says no eating pigs because they don't chew cud, but have cloven hooves, I can't make that up)
      Exhibit C, no eating cows over in India. Starving people, cows all over, stupid stupid stupid

    2. I guess my point is religious people CAN be ridiculous, but they don't HAVE to be.

    3. true, but they mostly choose to.
      Eating the Eucharist, is symbolic of eating the flesh of Jesus... and that makes, them ridiculous.
      The Pope's hat... ridiculous.
      Not eating cows, Muslim's prayer rituals, the ultra orthadox Jewish hair thing down the sideburn area, and speaking of Jewish, that hat thing- as well as the Sikh- where the religion says they can't show the top of their head, or the hair, which ties in to the Muslim covering womens heads/faces with the hajib
      All quite illogical, and ridiculous, and based solely on millennium old traditions that were ridiculous when they were invented.
      Then there's the Mormon belief in thetans, or the christian scientist not allowed to use medicines, not even to save their kids lifes, and scientology - nothing at all in that mess of hoodoo that isn't utterly ridiculous.
      So, religion, pretty ridiculous, across the board, a lot of cult stuff.
      Oh, yeah, Amish, not using electricity, because it's not from the age of when their religion was invented, but using everything that sneaks across the line, like brake lights, etc etc
      So, maybe, religious people HAVE to be ridiculous, as they all seem to be fervently enslaved to the writings that say you must kill your kids if they do this or that, you must enslave your wife if this or that.
      I do believe I've made a case that in general, praying to invisible all powerful deities made up by people that lived so long ago they resided in caves, and haven't any evidence of their existence, event to the point of believing there is an area (UP) where a beautiful heaven area is, though we have been to the moon and back and not found anything in space, which some guys a couple thousand years ago figured that just talking about a heaven, which could not be accessed, was going to convince the idiots that were illiterate.

  4. The Amish won't hook to the electric company because they work on Sunday, they will however use a portable generator in some sects. Of course then there's the river brethren who will only wear one suspender as two would be decorative.
    When you were talking about the door to door pests you left out Jehovah's witnesses.

    1. Whoa! I never heard about the working sunday aspect... intriguing! Thank you
