Monday, November 18, 2024

haven't posted jack today, and not much yesterday, because as of Saturday, I've started my cat adoption process.

 just like dating, you can choose based on looks, but anyone with a god damn bit of IQ knows that getting along matters so much more than looks 

so, you better spend a lot of time together finding out if you get along before moving in together. 

Just my perspective/philosophy, since I don't jump into many stupid decisions, because I learned from experience a LONG time ago that regret will eat you up and ruin your life

I chose to take some time after SEMA to adopt a cat, not based on looks, but, based on that cat behaving like it wants to get along, wants to be given attention, and wants to spend a lot of time sleeping, and NOT destroying my stuff. 

I've had 2 cats since I got out of the Navy in 1999, I mention that because the govt does NOT want enlisted having a pet in the barracks, or out to sea... 

my first was given to me as a kitten by a well meaning girlfriend, who certainly found that cat a good human, and he died of unknown cause, but seemed to have been a heart attack. He died in his favorite sleeping spot at about age 12. Probably from a lifetime of less than the best dry cat food. 

If anyone knows of an analytical comparison of dry cat food, that proves which major brand, easily found in pet stores, and or grocery stores, is the best for a cat, let me know. I went with what was recommended by my vet. 

I adopted a kitten with a girlfriend about the time my 1st cat died, and she just died of old age (15) and cancer. This one got all the damn wet cat food she could ever ask for, ignored most, liked some but didn't eat much, and was the best cat for me in every category. 

Now, I have the ridiculously high standard set by that wonderful lifelong companion by which all others will be measured, and I want to be sure to get a remarkably well behaved cat that likes me a bit, ignores all the stuff I have that a cat can easily destroy, feels free to sleep where ever, when ever, and get brushed as much as it likes. 

Anyway, like you ought to know, this is a blog, not a company owned website, I post what I like, when I can, in my spare time, and believe me, the last 15 years of the posts were usually while one arm was wrapped around a sleeping cat. 

So, that's why the posts were very few today, it sure as hell isn't because I ran out ot SEMA stuff to post, there is a LOT more of that to come

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