Monday, February 06, 2017

you don't see gators or crocs on trailers... until it's time to relocate the croc park (thanks Burkey!)


  1. That was in Broome, Western Australia. They were relocating the croc park and its occupants to a new site. The only reason to go through the main street in town was that it was hot and the bottle shop was open.
    For some reason the image is bassackwards with the landcruiser replaced with something euro.

    1. that site I found it on was using it for advertising their website logo. But Steve found the original, and I put it up. Thanks!

  2. Hey Jesse, this photo is reversed and looks to be taken somewhere in Australia, likely somewhere in far north Queensland or the Northern Territory.

    1. true... but it's a CROC! I'd run that photo UPSIDE DOWN! It's a hoot! The only places I know of with crocs and gators are the USA Southeast, Australia, and Egypt... and since the Bottlemart sign is in English, but not an American sounding business. All the trucks are medium to small, not ridiculously oversized, so there isn't enough excessive overindulgence to be American south east. Must be Australia

    2. Steve found the original source
