Thursday, June 27, 2019

possible solution for any county or city roads full of potholes? Hire manual labor from the unemployed. Why? Well, it's working in India!

— To bridge India’s infrastructure gaps, the government has raised public investment in roads, railways, rural development, power, telecom, housing, and “soft” areas of health care and education, creating work opportunities for an estimated seven million workers, at wages that are 70 percent higher than for average farm workers. In addition to creating jobs, there is some evidence of investment in power and roads infrastructure triggering growth in the non-farm economy in key states.

Mountain roads are still not paved, are so damaged by frost heaves and rain caused streams of water that erode the dirt roads, and have only a marginal improvement over horse drawn cart paths. THe bridges are often quick assembly military metal bridges that only last one summer, as the winter and the heavily laden cargo trucks wear them down

Due to the dirt and sharp rock roads, the tire repair workers stay busy though

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