Sunday, April 02, 2017

the state of New York decided to put the '32 Packard that FDR bought back into use, instead of buying a new limo, for its officials and diplomats to use in parades

New York Governor Cuomo told reporters the Packard is a national treasure, and it’s going to be a great marketing device for the state of New York, and a parade queen for politicians who are tired of new limos

The 1932 Packard Phaeton was purchased in 1932 by Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt for his use in Albany. When Roosevelt was elected to the Presidency, the vehicle became part of the state fleet. Though kept in running condition, it was rarely used after 1942 when Governor Thomas Dewey acquired a Cadillac.

The goal is to get it working reliably and take it on the road for state events, the mail goal is the opening of the new Tappan Zee Bridge slated for 2018.

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