Wednesday, February 26, 2020

these people must be off their meds... or I've been ignorant of some way to not have to have license plates on a vehicle used on public roads

Seriously, I took an extra ten minutes of lunch to loop back through the parking lot at Costco to find this, because it passed me going inbound when I was about to leave, so I could get a photo of this to share with you


  1. oh yes, the sovereign citizen movement.

  2. File this under 'if you're not on drugs, you ought to be.'

  3. Lot of guaranteed hassle to get out of paying a few bucks for a registration.
    I dunno about cali, but the annual taxes and tag for my 06 Expedition is around $150
    annual taxes and tag was $22 for my 74 Bronco.

    the sovereign citizens almost always shoot at the police that make the traffic stop, and in this case its nice of them to advertise that fact, so the police can be prepared for the attack thats coming.

    1. This is the first time I think I've seen this stuff.... damned if I know what the point is in advertising that you're bucking the system. I'm pretty damn sure that it doesn't work, because with the instant information internet, if this worked, I'm pretty sure more people would be doing it
